This business of going all "Unconvenienced" started with a coffee pot.
Or, more precisely,
without a coffee pot. Once upon a time, our nice high-end wedding present of a coffee maker got a short in it and went on the fritz (i.e., it started melting from the inside of the display and caught ever so slightly on fire before we unplugged it). At the time, the Mister was in graduate school, I had quit working to stay home with our kiddo, and we didn't have the space in our budget to replace said coffee maker. So like any resourceful outdoor enthusiasts would do, we raided our bin of camping gear and resurfaced with a sturdy french press.
Sure, making coffee with a french press required more time and energy than we had spent on coffee prep before. But the coffee was SO good (noticeably, outrageously delicious) that we decided we didn't mind the extra steps it took. There was something we actually enjoyed about taking some steps "backwards" - that is, away from the nice convenience of a coffee pot with a timer and brew strength button - that made it feel like more of an accomplishment and less of a hassle.
That was the start of the Unconvenient for us.
We hear that it's good to "unwind" after a stressful time, that occasionally "unplugging" from technology is helpful ... so, reaching for the "Unconvenient" isn't really that much of a stretch. Unconvenient - not inconvenient, but Unconvenient. Backing away from Convenient.
There are so many things that I assume have to be a certain way - how I buy my groceries and prepare food, for example - that Unconveniencing myself requires something to jolt me out of my routine (like a coffee pot catching slightly on fire) and finding other - possibly
slower or
harder - alternatives.
Don't read into this too much to think that I believe Convenience is bad. I LOVE my washing machine, a grocery store where I can buy produce and packaging tape at the same time, and a car to get around in. But my
two little words for this year - "
intentional" and "
simple" - have got me thinking that quicker is not always simpler, and more often than not convenience is the enemy of my intentionality.
Oddly enough, I think some of the Unconveniences in my life that make me slow down or spend more time on things are really, really great ... because they make me slow down and spend more time on things.
So, there you have it: the Unconvenient Truth.
PS. Also, this is not a rage against coffee makers. I love coffee from any source. And I would love to have a cup with you sometime, friend.